Georges, a father to five children, is a farmer whose green houses were severely damaged by turbulent wind and snowstorms. He received loans from Maak to invest in his land and repair the damages, which allowed him to resume his work. Georges currently grows various kinds of vegetables, including tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, etc. He distributes and sells his products to the neighbouring market, providing to people in his community. Following the repairs of his greenhouses, Georges received another loan to buy a tractor for more efficient harvesting and appropriate soil management, which has made his land more fertile.
Georges is not the only member of the family who has benefited from Maak’s aid. His wife Clemence began preparing tomato paste from the produce he grows in his greenhouses. The husband-and-wife duo work together on growing tomatoes until they are ripe and ready to be cooked, crushed, and bottled. Clemence now sells her homemade tomato paste to people in her village. She and her husband have utilized their skills to generate income and send their eldest daughter to university.